
Timezor reminds you to take regular breaks from your computer, stay hydrated, and maintain good posture.





Short Break

During a short break, it's important to give your eyes a rest and look at something far away if possible. This helps reduce eye strain and fatigue. Timezor will remind you to take a short break and look away from your screen.

Long Break

A long break is a great opportunity to stand up, stretch, and walk around. This can help improve circulation, reduce muscle tension, and prevent injury. Timezor will remind you to take a long break and move your body.

Drink Water

Staying hydrated is important for overall health, especially when you're working at a computer for extended periods of time. Timezor will remind you to drink water and stay hydrated throughout the day.

Maintain Good Posture

Maintaining good posture while working can help prevent neck and back pain, improve circulation, and reduce muscle tension. Timezor will remind you to check your posture and make any necessary adjustments.

Spending long hours in front of a screen can take a toll on our health

Our tool will remind you to take regular breaks from your computer, to look away from the screen, to stay hydrated, and to maintain good posture. You can set your own reminder intervals and we will make sure you stay on track. Timezor will help you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Benefits that come from following the reminders:

  • Reduced eye strain and headaches: By looking away from your screen and focusing on objects at different distances, you can reduce the strain on your eyes and prevent headaches.
  • Improved circulation and energy levels: Taking short breaks to walk around or stretch can help improve circulation and boost your energy levels, making it easier to stay focused and productive.
  • Better hydration and overall health: Staying hydrated is crucial for your overall health and wellbeing, and it is easy to forget to drink water when you are engrossed in work. Our timer reminds you to take a sip and keep your body hydrated throughout the day.
  • Prevention of posture-related pain and injury: Sitting for long periods with poor posture can lead to pain and injury in your neck, back, and shoulders. By sitting with good posture and taking breaks to stretch and move, you can prevent these issues and maintain a healthy spine.